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College Policies

Student Contract


It is compulsory for all students to sign a Student Contract during registration of courses with AAC The Student Contract stipulates important terms and conditions governing the relationship between AAC and the student. By signing the Student Contract, you have agreed to the terms and conditions as stated in the Contract. All prospective local and international students will enter into the Standard PEIStudent Contract with AAC. Students will be issued a comprehensive CPE approved Student Contract. Students are required to read the Standard PEI-Student Contract carefully upon enrolment into a course and ensure that they understand its content.


The CPE approved Student Contract embodies the following mandatory requirements:


a) Course Information and Fees – The PEI will deliver the Course as set in Schedule A to the student, towards conferment of the stated qualifications upon successful Course completion.


b) The PEI confirmed that the Course has been permitted by the Committee of Private Education (CPE) and no amendments have been made to the Course as set out in Schedule A unless otherwise permitted by CPE.


c) The Course Fees payable are set out in Schedule B and the optional Miscellaneous Fees in Schedule C.


d) The PEI will explain to the Student its policy for late payment of Course Fees, including late payment fee charged in Schedule C (if applicable) and any impact on Course/module completion (if applicable).


e) Refund Policies – The PEI will notify the Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any the following:


(i) It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;


(ii) It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;


(iii) It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;


(iv) It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;


(v) It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A within any stipulated timeline set by CPE;


(vi) The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).


The Student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.


f) If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause 2.1, the PEI will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the table in Schedule D.


g) The PEI will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties. The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D) of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.


h) If the Student and the PEI cannot settle a dispute using the way arranged by the PEI, the Student and the PEI may refer the dispute to CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme on the following webpage:


i) All information given by the Student to the PEI will not be given by the PEI to anyone else, unless the Student signs in writing that he agrees or unless the PEI is allowed to give the information by law.


j) The laws of Singapore will apply to how this Contract will be read and to the rights the parties have under this Contract.


k) If any part of this Contract is not valid for any reason under the law of Singapore, this will not affect any other part of this Contract.


l) If there is any other agreement between the PEI and the Student that is different from the terms in this Contract, then the terms in this Contract will apply.


m) If the Student or the PEI does not exercise or delay exercising any right granted by this Contract, the Student and the PEI will still be able to exercise the same type of right under this Contract during the rest of the time if the Contract continues.


n) If this Contract is also signed or translated in any language other than English and there is a difference from the English language copy of this Contract, the English language copy will apply.

A Deferment occurs when a student would like to delay his/her studies and carry forward the paid fees to a later period. Deferments may be granted on a case-by-case basis. No deferment is generally granted, unless on compassionate grounds. Even so, the deferment will have to be first approved by the Academic Head to ensure that academic requirements are accounted for.


All outstanding fees are to be settled before the application for deferment. Refund policy applies to all deferment applications. Upon deferment, the student may be withdrawn from the course and the applicable Student's Pass may be returned to ICA for cancellation.


All requests pertaining to deferment are to be submitted in writing to the Student Service for approval. Our response time to all deferment requests is within 7 working days.

Every student of Academies Australasia College (AAC) may make an appeal concerning his/her failed grade for the current term. Appeals are only granted for failed grades, and students will only be told the reason for failing. Any exception to this will be on a case-by-case basis, approved by the Academic Head.


Students will have 7 working days, after the results are published, to appeal against the results. A processing fee is charged for the Appeal, and has to be paid as part of the Appeal submission. Students will be notified of the Appeal outcomes within 21 working days after the Appeal is received.


Appeal Process


To initiate a formal appeal, a student must submit, within 7 working days from the time he/she is notified of the Academic Decision, by writing a 'Student Appeal' form to the Exams Department for consideration by the Academic Head or by an independent reviewer designated by the Academic Head. Please contact your Programme Leader or Exams Department to obtain the 'Student Appeal' form.


The Notice of Appeal must include:


a) A copy or summary of the Academic Decision;


b) The reason(s) the student considers the Academic Decision is wrong;


c) The resolution sought by the student;


d) Any relevant information and supporting documentation that is relevant to the Appeal;


e) Contact information for the student


The Academic Head or his/her designate will process the Notice of Appeal within 21 working days of receiving it. After the Academic Head or Programme Leader presents his/her recommendation and submit it to the Examination Board for endorsement, the Examination Board shall make the final decision. The student will be informed of the Examination Board's decision within 21 working days after the date of the Notice of Appeal. The Examination Board's decision is final.

All fees are clearly indicated in the Student Contract and/or payment invoices. A receipt is issued for every payment made. Should there be a need to buy any additional course material, your lecturer/teacher will advise you of the price. To avoid late payment charges, please ensure that you make all payments on time.

Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)


Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) is a law that governs the collection, use and disclosure of personal data by all private organisations. Academies Australasia College (AAC) is committed to complying with the PDPA in the collection, use and disclosure of all students’ and staff personal information. AAC makes available the Personal Data Protection policy and procedure to public and employees, and ensure that AAC’s counterparts provide the same standard of protection as under the Singapore PDPA. Prior to collecting any personal data, AAC will advise you of the purpose for which the personal data may be collected, used and disclosed. AAC undertakes to only use the personal data for the purpose defined and after having notified the individuals and obtained consent with regards to the purpose of collection.


Purpose for the collection, use and disclosure of personal data




  1. Assess your application for admission into a course offered by AAC.

  2. Conduct administration of enrolment, attendance monitoring, course progression management, learning interventions, assessments, industrial attachments (if applicable) examinations, graduation and surveys

  3. Administer student activities including orientation, celebrations, ceremonies, excursions and other activities to enhance student life




  1. Administer post-graduation certificates, letters or surveys

  2. Maintain communications with you through relevant publications, events or activities


Staff Members


  1. Assess an application for employment

  2. Administer matters relevant to your employment with AAC


Disclosure of Personal Data


AAC makes reasonable efforts and takes appropriate measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised disclosure. Your personal data will not be disclosed to any third parties without your prior consent, unless the disclosure is permitted under the statutory exemptions under PDPA. Such situations may include disclosure required by law or in emergency situations that threaten the life, health or safety of yourself or another (other) individual(s).


Access to, Correction of and Withdrawal of Consent of Personal Data


Please contact us by phone at (+65) 63379949 or email if you would like to:


a) Access or correct your personal data currently held by AAC


b) Withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data as listed


c) Have any questions with regard to your personal data or AAC’s Personal Data Protection policy and procedure


Any formal request for personal information access shall be responded to within the 7 working days. If your personal data has been provided to us by a third party, you should ask that individual or organisation to inquire about, access, correct or withdraw your personal data held by AAC.


Do-Not-Call (DNC)


AAC will assure that they will not send marketing messages to individuals who have registered in the National DNC registry unless clearances have been received. In addition, AAC ensures that the data collected is used accurately for the period when a decision is being made as this can affect the individual. AAC will retain personal data only for business purposes and destroy it when it is no longer needed.

All fees are clearly indicated in the Student Contract and/or payment invoices. A receipt is issued for every payment made. Should there be a need to buy any additional course material, your lecturer/teacher will advise you of the price. To avoid late payment charges, please ensure that you make all payments on time.

  • Under the Immigration Act of Singapore, all international students holding Student's Passes (STPs) must not be absent for a continuous period of 7 days. The percentage of attendance for the course in any month must not fall below 90% without any valid reason (Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) attendance requirement). International students holding STP must meet the ICA attendance requirement.

  • An international student may be required to surrender the STP for cancellation if he/she does not satisfy the attendance requirement.

  • A student’s successful completion of a module considers both the student’s attendance and academic results. Students are required to have at least 80% academic attendance to be eligible for assessment grading. This refers to physical presence in scheduled classes. (Medical certificates and approved leave will not be taken into consideration. If the student is not in class physically, student will be treated as absent). The minimum 80% attendance being a pre-requisite for successful completion of a module applies to international students on valid passes and local students (Singapore citizens or permanent residents).

  • AAC puts in its best effort to monitor and intervene at suitable junctures so that students are given the necessary counsel and guidance to improve. The HOD-SS and AH/PL may also intervene at specific trigger points to counsel the student, and if necessary, prepare the student for Course Termination.

  • AAC reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrolment immediately if there is evidence that the student’s continuous poor attendance is due to behavioural issues and he/she fails to show improvement after counselling.

  • AAC takes a serious view of students missing classes without valid reasons. Students who do not meet the minimum required attendance standards set for a particular course/module will not be able to pass that course/module. International students holding STPs have to meet the ICA attendance requirements.

  • LT records attendance through the student management system (AIMS) or, if required, manually.

  • Student attendance for classes is monitored by SS daily, weekly and monthly. Appropriate actions are to be taken when required.

  • Approved leave day(s) will be noted by SS in a student’s attendance record. The approved leave will not be included in calculating the student’s attendance rate, but will be recorded to keep track of student’s absence.

  • Students should not take leave when the academic term is in progress to avoid disruption to their studies.

  • Students who apply for leave that exceeds 10 lesson days may be asked to apply for Course Deferment. Course Transfer, Deferment and Withdrawal policies and procedure apply if a student’s leave application requires deferment of studies. STP holders may need to cancel their STP and reapply.

  • Leave during the term is generally approved only in the case of medical or immediate family emergency (with supporting documentation).

  • Only medical certificates issued by a registered hospital, polyclinic or private medical clinic in Singapore shall be accepted as valid reasons for absence from any class.

  • Any other medical certificates or reports issued by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners or other countries will be treated on case-by-case basis and subjected SS approval.

  • Students are to submit medical certificates to SS for the day(s) they are absent, if applicable.

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